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After months of discussions and arguments, Chandra finally convinced her parents about her decision. She took advantage of her mother joy when she was elected as lab director after receiving an international award. Nevertheless, Rhonda consented Chandra to enter the FBI Academy on Quantico in Stafford County, Virginia, with the promise of studying Law and becoming a lawyer afterward.
Shortly after that, tragedy stroke both women. Philip died of a heart attack. Rhonda was devastated, but she realized that her daughter was suffering as much as her, almost leaving Quantico.
Rhonda gathered all her emotional strength and grit to help Chandra cope with the tragedy and continue with her life, convincing her to continue her father legacy on the Bureau.
No one ever knows that Rhonda continues talking with Philip on her long lonely nights and during the interminable wait between tests and experiments, writing endless emails and letters with no sender.
Chapter 4. The Reception
Right after Dr. Wilkison’s lecture, her daughter Chandra enters the reception hall of the Steinberg Conference Center. It is crowded by the attendants, mostly university students, professors, and researchers, who talk, eat and drink enthusiastically.
Chandra sees her mother at the back of the hall, surrounded by those who have come to congratulate her. Chandra approaches her through the crowd.
“Hi, mom! Congratulations!”
The professor escapes the circle of people that surrounded her hugging her daughter with loving joy.
“Thank you, darling! I was wondering if you could make it! Are you staying at home tonight?”
“I’m sorry, I must go back to Washington.”
“That’s the work of an FBI special agent,” says the professor, pleased, “your father would be very proud of you. Will you get that new promotion?”
“I hope so. Who was that who made such a scandal?”
Dr. Wilkison makes a dismissing gesture.
“He was a former student of mine. Now, he calls himself Molotov, beautiful name for an eco-activist. He was expelled from the university years ago, and he has been in prison several times for destroying properties and violent behavior.”
“He looked like he was going to attack you! I was about to arrest him,” says Chandra, “fortunately, the security guards took him away without major problems. Do you think that this madman is somehow right about the influences of Saint Mount in Washington?”
“Probably, but that is a legal issue, not a motive for political violence,” says her mother.
“You’re right, but I’ll look over it. Probably, Saint Mount has some skeletons in its closet.”
Dr. Wilkison moves her head.
“Be careful, dear, these people are very powerful. Remember what your father used to say…”
“Yes, I know, mom,” Chandra interrupts her, “he always says: ‘only face your enemies in your own battlefield.’ Don’t worry, I can take care of myself. Bye, Mom!”
Dr. Wilkinson kisses her goodbye, and Chandra leaves.
From one end of the room through the crowd, Dr. Forseter watches Chandra and her mother in silence.
Chapter 5. Forseter
Young Heinrich Forester wasn’t an average kid. His problem was not only his high IQ.
Heinrich parents were a couple of East German Scientist defectors who could escape from East Berlin at the highest point of the Cold War.
They were very busy people, spending most of their time in labs, giving lectures, and traveling. That’s why they decided to give their son a puppy, so he didn’t feel so lonely. But they didn’t know that this would change little Heinrich’s life.
On his first visit to the pet shop, he met the owner, a vet crazy about genetics, who explained to him the mysteries of breeding different animals. The amazed kid discovered this way how the best dogs, cats, canaries, and fishes’ breeds were created.
Heinrich took that day his first puppy home, a dachshund, hoping to someday to create a unique dog breed. But, the puppy lasted too long to grow up, so, he looked for other animals that could reproduce faster and easier from chicken and fishes to insects and plants.
Because of his parent's’ long absences, Heinrich spent most of his infant life under the supervision of nannies who were delighted by his devotion to his books, pets, and experiments, so they didn’t need to watch him all the time.
His first experiments produce very ugly or weak specimens. But, instead of discouraging him, this motivate him to go further.
He began looking for animals with anomalies breeding them to produce real freaks. Cats without teeth, dogs with each eye of different colors, birds with strange feathers features and some scary fishes and plants. He soon began to use lizards and insects like cockroaches and crickets, which kept away his nannies
He also must learn to have the necessary patience of making hundreds of trials and errors until getting the desired result or any result at all.
His fellow students and neighbors regarded him as a circus freak.
But young Forseter has other talents as well. He was small, skinny and weird being a preferred target of bullies. Since every young, Heinrich mastered the art of manipulating weaker minds, gaining the bullies’ tolerance and even friendship through flattery and unusual gifts. This way, he managed to survive the school under the shadow of his nastiest schoolmates.
Heinrich parents were too busy to check on their son’s experiments, but when his classmates and neighborhood friend’s parents began to complain about what little Heinrich was doing, they take notice. They even got a law sue from an animal advocates group lead by one of his neighbor’s mothers.
Thankfully for Heinrich, those social inconveniences made his parents very proud of his researching vocation giving him extensive opportunities to develop his talents. Soon he will get into a special school for talented kids.
Anyway, tragedy stroke his life when he was in a special high school for gifted teens.
One morning, the FBI took him out of school to an intimidating place making him the strangest questions for hours about his parents. In the end, he was informed that his parents were East German spies going ironically to prison a few weeks before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
But they were almost strangers to Heinrich, who continue with his life and scientific career thanks to the support from his teachers and mentors.
Very soon, Forseter was one of the most promising genetics students, catching the eye of the genetics corporations, who compete to recruit his talents. But he also was noticed by the most powerful genetics company, Saint Mount LLC.
Chapter 6. Saint Mount LLC
Saint Mount LLC was founded by an old pretended pharmacist named Jack Sweeney who offered “miracle cures” on the Old Wild West medicine shows. But, some discontent “patients” almost die of diarrhea thanks to one of his “sexual-invigorating” elixirs, and he was almost lynched by the angry town. He was miraculously saved by a Catholic priest called Augustus Mount, who succeeded stopping the mad Irish mob from hanging Sweeney, calling to forgiveness.
After this experience, Sweeney got devoted to religion, advocating until his death for the canonization of his savior priest. He also turned his chemistry talents to the food industry, creating a company of artificial sweeteners, flavoring and caffeine products under the name of Saint Mount, in honor to his savior. Richard became a philanthropist, donating a lot of his profits to the church and to charitable causes. Of course, he became one of the greatest advocates against lynching.
Both world wars gave Saint Mount an indecent amount of profits, expanding into Europe, South America, the Middle East, India, and East Asia.
Sweeney’s children took advantage of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, buying several important chemical companies all over the world. They soon become the biggest producers of insecticides and fertilizers and, during the WWII and the Viet Nam wars, of chemical and biological weapons.
The chemical and biological weapons prohibition did significant damage to Saint Mount in
dustries, but its dynamic management switched to the ultimate chemical and biological technology to save their costly labs.
Genetics was the new frontier and Saint Mount soon become the largest producer of genetically modified organisms, (GMOs). I this way, the company became the largest recruiter and supporter of scientists in the Chemistry, Biology and Genetics fields.
Saint Mount donate large sums to universities all over the world to create the army of scientists and technicians that the company needed to create a worldwide monopoly on the agricultural market.
Heinrich Forseter’s talents were soon detected by Saint Mount recruiters still being a Pennsylvania University student.
Heinrich’s genetic experiments went viral when he managed to create two different animal species (a fish and a salamander) with the same genetic base code. It was unthinkable, and Saint Mount gets anxious to recruit him offering him a generous scholarship and internship.
Dr. Rhonda Wilkison, Heinrich mentor, tried to prevent him from accepting the Saint Mount’s scholarship, but the terms were too advantageous for young Forseter to despise them.
Even before getting his Ph.D., Heinrich was on the path of creating Saint Mount primary product, Mutanex.
The company invested large amounts of money and resources in developing the product. In a few years, Forseter became the scientific chief of Saint Mount and one of the most promising scientists on Genetics, and he even got a nomination for the Chemistry Nobel price.
Forseter worked for nearly ten years on the development of Mutanex. With each trial, he was closer and closer to safety manipulate genetically adult organisms, but still, he needed to continue the tests to be sure that the plants and animals treated with Mutanex won’t develop cancer.
The current Saint Mount’s president, Richard Todd-Sweeney, constantly invite him to his parties and golf games to show off his company’s most valued asset to the jet-set.
Richard Todd-Sweeney was a combination of genius, visionary and ruthless businessman, and a celebrity socialite. His Babylonian projects and business, along with his ostentatious, orgies, ad scandals, get busy an army of paparazzi 24/7.
For too long, Richard was at the top of Corporate America when Saint Mount competition, the Bitrium Chemical Company, and Masters Biochemical Inc launch new genetic products into the market, taking over the GMO markets.
Todd-Sweeney gets desperate and pushes the launching of Mutanex.
One Saturday morning, Todd-Sweeney sent his helicopter to pick up Forseter and bring him to his Florida vacation mansion at West Palm Beach.
Richard received Heinrich at the pool surrounded by his inner circle, entertained by some actresses and fashion models that used to assist at his parties. Forseter was amazed for being invited to such selected meeting. He has heard about them, but Todd-Sweeney, even being one of his favorites, hadn’t invited him until now. Richard handled him an almost century-old single malted whiskey as a salute.
“Did you enjoy the ride?”
“Sure!” answered Heinrich, “the view of the beach and your house is fabulous!”
Richard wave at an astonishing brunet at the pool. She wore a minimalist bikini that didn’t leave much to the imagination. When she approached, Todd-Sweeney introduced Heinrich to her.
“Look, Tiara, this is the priciest mind of the company and, probably, of all Corporate America, so, take good care of him.” Richard stands up waving at his staff, who followed him into the house.
The brunet took Heinrich hand leading him to a private sauna at the end of the terrace, surrounded by a hedgerow of bushes. She took off Heinrich clothes and her thread-like bikini, pushing the astounded scientist to the bubbling water.
A couple of hours later, the brunet took her captivated guest out of the water, dress him in a beach robe and lead him back to the pool, where Richard was waiting for him.
“Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes!” answered the scientist, “I thought I was in heaven!”
“Well, that was only a sample of your life ahead!” comment the entrepreneur lighting a Cuban cigar.
Heinrich watched him curious.
Todd-Sweeney exhales out an aromatic cloud of smoke.
“How long would take to get Mutanex into the market?”
Forseter stroke his chin. He knew what Richard was asking him. It wasn’t the first time, and Richard had got very upset each time he asked for more time before launching Mutanex, so he spoke carefully.
“Between two and five years depending on the trials. Best scenario, three years.”
Todd-Sweeney tossed his cigar to the center of the pool visibly upset.
“That’s unacceptable! We talked last year, and you gave me the same damn answer!”
“We are playing with fire here, Richard. The APHIS, USDA, FDA, EPA and an army of other government agencies will crush us if we launch a product without properly testing it.”
Richard leaned toward Heinrich.
“If I tell you that I have all those agencies in my hand?”
Heinrich opened his eyes with surprise.
“Look, Richard, you can control a group of politicians but not all the government and nature as well!”
“Don’t you trust me?” Richard stared directly at Heinrich's eyes.
“Sure, I trust you with my life, but that’s not the issue.”
“What other problems we could have?”
Heinrich scratched his head with both hands looking for a better way to convince his boss.
“I’m still not sure that the organisms treated with Mutanex won’t develop cancer in the long term. Could you imagine what could happen if all plants and animals treated with Mutanex around the world suddenly develop cancer? You’ll get in trouble and me, probably go to jail for approving it.”
“The future doesn’t exist, no one could predict anything, you convince me of that. My problem is beating the competition, but Bitrium and Masters are crushing us. We needed Mutanex on the market yesterday, and I have moved all my chessmen on Washington to do so. You’ll be covered.”
Heinrich made a painful face.
“I’m sorry, Richard, we have repeatedly talked about this, and you will get my same answer. As a scientist, I can’t approve that.”
Todd-Sweeney sight putting together all his patience.
“Ok, let’s make it easier for you to make a decision. Take an indecently luxurious vacation on Maui or anywhere you prefer. You could even take Tiara with you.”
“That’s not the point, Richard, I won’t approve it until the minimum trial period is fulfilled, period.”
Todd-Sweeney stood up and walked back and forth around the pool for a minute and go inside the house.
Minutes later, Richard assistant came back to Heinrich.
“Dr. Forseter, Mr. Todd Sweeney apologizes for not saying goodbye. He had to leave unexpectedly. A plane is ready to take you back to Missouri.”
Next Monday morning, Heinrich learned that he was stripped of any authorization to enter the company premises. He couldn´t even take out his things from his office.
Soon, he learned about the Mutanex launching. He got so upset -and scared- that went to the media to prevent it, but the police took him out of a major TV station handcuffed, accused of violating his confidentiality agreement with Saint Mount. They didn’t give him much chance, and he must accept a deal to avoid a longer conviction.
On prison, Heinrich learned that Saint Mount managed to also strip him off from all his degrees.
After five years in jail, Forseter could walk out under parole for good behavior, but he couldn’t approach the most modest chemistry or genetics lab in a hundred miles’ radius. Since then, the once Nobel Price nominee disappeared completely from the scientific world.
Chapter 7. The Lobbyist
At one of the busy agent´s office at the Herbert Hoover building, the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C., Chandra types on her computer, absorbed on an intense search.
Her desk neighbor, Spec
ial Agent Manuel Mora, a young light-hearted Cuban-American, sits like a bomb next to her sneaking on what she is doing.
“What are you up to? Did they give you a new assignment?”
“Nope,” answers Chandra, “I’m looking for the relations of the Saint Mount corporation on the Hill. I think I have talked to you about it.”
“Woah, that’s heavy stuff!”
“Saint Mount’s products could be dangerous for the environment and the economy, but it seems that nobody is taking notes on the government.”
Mora himself began typing on his computer.
“Hum, they have an army of lobbyist on the Capitol Hill.”
Candra gets interested.
“Let me see!”
“Yes, look, here is a photo of a meeting between one of Saint Mount’s Lobbyist, Khaxandra Ougunele (what a nombrecito!), Senator Kotchner’s chief of staff and several representatives from some farmers’ associations. “
“Hum!” Chandra stroke her chin, “what they could be talking about.”
“Well, it is obvious,” elucidates Mora, “Kotchner is the chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Nutrition, says here. So, probably, Saint Mount is oiling their relationships with a lot of money.”
“I need to know more about that.”
“Let’s have lunch,” suggests Mora checking his wristwatch, “let’s go to Capital Grill around the corner.”
“That’s expensive.”
“Nah,” Mora wave his hand dismissing the money idea and winking at her, “you only get a single chance to live. On the other hand, mi cousin Cusita works there, and I get a significant discount from her.”
Capital Grill is at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, a couple of block from the FBI building, being very busy at lunch time. Nevertheless, Mora gets inside and manages to get a table just entering. When Chandra and Mora sit down, she looks around.
“Well, you need to be a big businessman or a lawyer to have lunch regularly here.”
Mora nods taking a piece of bread.