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Animalypse Page 11

  Finally, Chandra finds the dead’s security guard’s powerful personalized sports motorcycle. The helmet is on the seat. Lifting the seat, she finds some motorcyclist clothes.

  While she tries to put on the gear, the group of giant flies enters the garage and goes after her. With her legs trapped in her trousers, she falls trying to shoo the flies. Her gun is on the motorbike seat, out of her reach. One of the flies hovers over her. Suddenly, a large sticky tongue grabs it. The others escape rapidly.

  She looks up discovering a huge gecko, as big as the largest crocodile, fixed at the ceiling, chewing the fly, watching her with curiosity.

  Chandra gets up cautiously, rushing to put on the motorbike gear and the helmet. She climbs on the motorbike starting the engine and rushing out the garage.

  Calmly, the giant gecko watches her driving away while cleaning its huge eyes with its tongue.

  Chapter 38. Riding on a Highway

  The door of the Nanotechnology Institute garage opens automatically.

  Chandra drives the motorcycle at full speed through the alley to Walnut Street, scaring the giant flies that crowd over the half-melted cop’s carcasses.

  Chandra turns right and rushes the bike through Walnut Street toward Philadelphia’s downtown.

  She stops at a corner and pulls out one of the phones taken from the attackers. She dials a number talking by the motorcycle helmet’s Bluetooth.

  Mora is in a police helicopter over Philadelphia with members of a SWAT team, dressing fatigues, helmet, a bulletproof vest and carrying an assault rifle.

  Through the open door, the city looks like a battlefield at dawn. There are fires and explosions. Billows of smoke cover the city. Buildings collapse, plants grow uncontrollably, people are fleeing, total chaos.

  Mora hears his phone ringing. He takes it out and answers.

  “Special Agent Mora speaking!”

  He hears Chandra’s voice.

  “Manny! This is Chandra!”

  Mora gets excitedly surprised.

  “Chandra? Where have you been? I've been looking desperate for you! Did you call me Manny? I can’t believe it!”

  Chandra turns into a main street and accelerates toward the downtown Philadelphia.

  “It’s a long story. I was kidnapped by the terrorists who have created this chaos in Philadelphia.”

  Mora can’t understand.

  “What do you mean? Is this mayhem a terrorist attack? Where are you now?”

  Chandra suddenly is surrounded by the city chaos.

  The city is a battlefield, overshadowed by black clouds of smoke, broken by fires, explosions, gunfire.

  “I’m at Philadelphia’s downtown,” Chandra tries to explain to him, “I’m after the terrorists.”

  The grass, shrubs, and trees grow excessively hasty as an overwhelming sea from which massive branches and roots sprout as fabulous snakes.

  Mora and SWAT team members watch in horror how plants wind up and tear down the tall buildings.

  They squeeze and pierce the constructions, breaking windows, demolishing the concrete, breaking and lifting the asphalt of the streets.

  Mora still can’t understand anything.

  “We are in Philly, too. It's a national emergency. Did you say, terrorists?”

  On the motorbike, Chandra tries to avoid wrecked cars, debris and buildings’ rubble filling the streets.

  Powerful jets of water, torches of burning gas and sparkling electric cables come out from the deep cracks on the street, opened by plants’ roots.

  “Yes, they have created a compound that turns animals and plants in aggressive monsters.”

  Mora is confused.

  “Who are those freaks?”

  Chandra passes military detachments fighting against waves of bulls, goats, pigs, dogs and cats the size of elephants, armed with huge jars, fangs, and claws in the middle of clouds of smoke and dust, ruins, and rubble.

  “Their names are Heinrich Forseter, Aizik Molotov, and Antonio da Fonseca, who created an eco-terrorist organization called Green World Order.”

  Chandra passes police officers, firefighters, and rescuers organize the evacuation of terrified crowds of civilians and wounded behind the military lines.

  “What are they planning?” Asks Mora on the phone.

  Despite the heavy fire of the military, the mass of beasts run over the defense lines.

  “The animals’ aggressions that I was investigating,” tries to explain Chandra, “were only the beginning of what they call operation Animalypse.”

  Monstrous animals destroy everything in its path. They crush and throw people at high altitude.

  Plants continue growing overwhelmingly, demolishing buildings and tearing up streets.

  She hears Mora on the phone.

  “The beginning, you said? Are they planning something worse?”

  The beasts ram and overturn buses, trucks and combat vehicles.

  Chandra accelerates, escaping from the droves. She makes quick turns with the motorcycle, avoiding obstacles, plants and the battle between men and beasts.

  “Yes, they plan to expand this chaos worldwide.”

  Chandra leaves downtown and takes the expressway towards the Northeast Philadelphia Airport.

  “How they intend to do such a thing? Asks Mora, startled.

  The chaos has extended to the expressway.

  “They will contaminate all the main sources of water in the world, spreading the compound from fumigation airplanes.”

  Both civilian vehicles fleeing the city as the military and police arriving must avoid the growing, plants, the deep cracks and the wrecked vehicles in the road.

  Chandra makes tight turns at high speed avoiding obstacles.

  Mora tries to hear her over the engine sound.

  “Where are they now?”

  “They are carrying this compound in a tanker truck to the Northeast Philadelphia Airport,” says Chandra, “from there, they plan to export it throughout the world.”

  Leaving the I-676 highway toward the I-95 highway, Chandra sees in the distance a crocodile the size of the largest dinosaur coming out from the Delaware River, blocking the road ahead.

  Chandra freaks out, talking to herself.

  “What the fuck! Why has anybody crocs as pets?”

  Mora tries to understand her.

  “Crocodiles? What are you talking about?”

  The gigantic beast takes a car with its jaws, shaking it as a toy.

  Chandra tries to explain to him the situation.

  “I'm coming out from the I-676 expressway to the I-95 and a crocodile the size of a big dinosaur is blocking the road ahead!”

  The commotion stops the traffic. Gunshots are heard. The crocodile gets angrier. People leave the stalled vehicles and flee as they can.

  Mora barely hears her.

  “A dinosaur? At the I-676 and the la I-95 intersection? This is getting crazier.”

  Chandra realizes that the enormous crocodile is blocking the way of the tanker truck and two of the black SUVs.

  “Wait! I see the tanker truck ahead! I’ll try to catch it up!”

  Mora poked his head into the cockpit of the helicopter and points the expressway to the pilot while talking to the phone.

  “Wait until we get there!”

  On the motorbike, Chandra sees several attackers out of the SUVs in black fatigues and ski masks firing their weapons at the crocodile.

  The animal gets angry, takes one of the men with its mouth, shakes him and throw it away.

  Chandra shouts at the phone.

  “There is no time!”

  Chapter 39. Chasing the Tanker

  Chandra makes zigzags between the vehicles and obstacles, approaching the tanker.

  From his SUV, Molotov steps out with an RPG and fires against the crocodile.

  Mora shouts at her.

  “Chandra, wait!”

  The anti-tank rocket explodes on the side of the animal, wounding it. The crocodile backs of
f to the side of the road.

  Mora gets concerned when he hears the explosion by phone.

  “What’s that? An explosion?”

  On the motorbike, Chandra sees that the truck and the SUVs take advantage of the crocodile stepping aside to drive off at full speed.

  Chandra talks to Mora.

  “I have no time! Please, send someone to the Nanotechnology Institute. My mother has two terrorist prisoners. Bye!”

  Chandra hangs up the telephone and accelerates the motorcycle.

  Mora gets even more astonished to hear Chandra

  “What? Your mother? Terrorist prisoners? What do you mean?”

  Chandra hangs up, and Mora remains puzzled.

  When the colossal crocodile steps aside from the center of the highway some vehicles try to escape from it.

  Chandra accelerates too, chasing the Attackers.

  But the wounded monster gets angrier, jumping to the center of the highway. It grabs the car in front of Chandra with it jaws throwing it away. Its passengers fly out its open doors.

  Chandra speeds up, passing under the belly of the beast, avoiding its enormous legs and claws, the stream of blood falling from its wound and the massive wagging tale that hits away some cars and trucks.

  Chandra leaves the crocodile back and rushes after the tanker truck and the escorting SUVs.

  The trees surrounding the road grow like monsters rising from the grave. Its branches spread over the road, demolishing the embankment. Its roots sprout out, breaking the pavement.

  Some vehicles collide with the giant trunks and branches, exploding and setting fire the bunches of broad leaves. Other vehicles fall into the deep cracks opened by the trees.

  The tanker truck and the escorting SUVs make tight turns avoiding the trees, the cracks and the wrecked cars in flames.

  Chandra does the same in the narrowest spaces trying to reach the tanker truck.

  Suddenly, behind Chandra, a pack of greyhounds, taller than draft horses, jumps into the highway running at full speed.

  As soon as the dogs spot Chandra’s motorcycle, they run after her as chasing an artificial lure in a greyhound racing track.

  Chandra realizes that she has become a pray as soon as she sees the nearest dog through the rear-view mirror. She must accelerate and make avoiding turns.

  The greyhounds run at high speed, hunched, with huge foamy jaws and wild eyes, like mad dogs. They dodge and jump over the other cars, the plants, and the cracks, sticking on Chandra’s pursuit. The cars on the road hit the brakes and collide with each other.

  Inside of one of the attacker’s SUVs, Molotov goes in the passenger seat with some of his comrades seating at the back. They watch the dogs chasing Chandra.

  When the nearest dog is up to bite Chandra, she draws her gun and shoots the dog in the head. It rolls over the pavement, squealing.

  The other dogs get angrier and speed up.

  In Molotov’s SUV, all are surprised by the reaction of the motorcyclist.

  “Shoot him!” Orders Molotov.

  “The dogs?” Asks one of the attackers.

  “I don’t care about those dogs,” yells Molotov, “the bike rider! I don’t want him near our truck!”

  One of the attackers lowers his window and try to aim Chandra, who is riding in a lateral lane.

  Chandra is paying attention to the dogs when the first burst of machine gun fire strikes the pavement next to her. Fragments of pavement burst near the motorcycle.

  Chandra makes a quick turn, getting behind Molotov’s SUV.

  A couple of attackers poke out the windows on each side of the SUV trying to aim at Chandra.

  One of the greyhounds jumps and takes one of them with its jaws dragging him out of the SUV. The attacker yells and groans.

  The rest of the dogs reach the one that had trapped the men. They fight each other trying to snatch away the pray, dismembering the man, who yells in pain and terror.

  Chandra takes advantage of the turmoil to get ahead Molotov’s SUV and behind the truck.

  Molotov points at Chandra through the windshield. One of the attackers pokes out the window and shoots at Chandra. The bullets hit the back of the truck.

  “Cease fire, cease fire, you, moron!” Shouts Molotov at him turning to the driver, “run over him!”

  Chandra realizes what the SUV driver wants to run over her and she tries to reach the ladder in the back of the truck.

  Chandra gets as near as possible to the back of the truck, grabs the ladder with a hand, putting a foot over the tank of the motorcycle, which begins to shake dangerously.

  Molotov realizes what the biker is trying to do and calls the truck’s driver through the radio.

  “Hit the brakes, now!”

  And, turning to the SUV1 driver:

  “Smash him!”

  In the very moment that the truck driver hits the brakes and the SUV approaches dangerously, Chandra jumps to the ladder and climbs to the top of the tanker.

  The SUV hit both, the motorcycle and the back of the truck. The bike explodes, making the SUV stop on flames.

  Chapter 40. On Top of the Fucking Truck

  Chandra manages to get on top of the tanker. The truck speeds off making turns, avoiding the obstacles on the highway.

  Chandra gets to the first hatch of the tank, turning the escape wheel handle to open the hatch. She takes out a test tube from her pocket, pouring it into the compartment and closing the hatch.

  The phone rings. Chandra presses the button on the side of the motorcycle helmet and answers by the Bluetooth.


  She hears Mora’s voice.

  “We could see a tanker truck on the I-95 escorted by two black SUVs. Where are you?”

  Chandra shouts.

  “On top of the fucking truck!”

  The FBI helicopter flies over the Philadelphia I-95 Highway. The city looks like a war zone full of ruins, fires, columns of smoke everywhere.

  Mora watches the highway with field glasses. He focuses the lens to Chandra on the truck.

  Mora is surprised and points at her to his companions.

  “Coño! I see you, be careful!”

  Machine gun fire makes Chandra lie down on the top of the truck.

  “They are shooting at me from the SUVs!”

  Both attackers’ SUVs have paired up the truck. Their occupants shoot at Chandra. Molotov’s SUV is till smoking with its front smashed.

  Machine gun fire from the FBI chopper hit both SUVs, making them deviate.

  The helicopter makes a low-flying maneuver over the truck.

  Molotov and the other Attackers watch the FBI chopper.

  Molotov orders the attackers at the back.

  “Give me the M-240! Open the sunroof!”

  Mora and the SWAT team members see Molotov appearing by the SUV sunroof with a heavy machine gun. He shoots at them.

  The chopper maneuvers avoiding the shooting. Some bullets hit its fuselage.

  Meanwhile, the trees continue growing beneath the highway causeway, breaking it.

  The trucks and the SUVs make tight turns avoiding the trees, the cracks on the pavement and the wrecked vehicles.

  The abrupt turns of the truck almost throw Chandra from the truck, but she hangs on.

  She manages to get to the second hatch, opening it. But the truck's movements don’t let her open the second test tube, so she brakes it against the rim of the hatch.

  The attacker who goes in the passenger seat of the truck cab steps out of it and climbs to the tank. The zigzags and road irregularities make it difficult.

  Chandra has just closed the second hatch when a bullet rebounds on the wheel of the hatch. She lays down behind the hatch and tries to take out her gun.

  The attacker climbs to the top of the tank and runs toward Chandra, pointing his weapon at her.

  Suddenly, a frog as big as a house jumps out from the Frankford Creek over the highway bridge, landing on the pavement as an earthquake.

nbsp; The truck driver must make a quick turn to avoid the frog.

  When the truck passes by the frog, the colossal animal quickly stretches its long and sticky tongue, trapping the attacker from the top of the tank, swallowing him completely.

  Chandra on the top of the truck, the attackers on each SUV and the SWAT team on the chopper stare at the frog in awe.

  Mora and the SWAT team cheers up.

  “Yes! Take that, motherfucker! I love frogs!”

  The Molotov’s SUV slows down behind the truck, while the other SUV approaches the truck’s cabin.

  From both SUVs’ sunroofs, Molotov and another attacker shoot at the chopper with high caliber machine guns. The chopper must maneuver to avoid the shooting.

  Meanwhile, an attacker opens the Molotov’s SUV door and steps out to the stirrup. He climbs on the hood, jumping to the ladder on the back of the truck.

  Simultaneously, another attacker opens the door of the other SUV standing at its stirrup. When his SUV gets near the truck’s cabin, he jumps to its stirrup, climbing to the top of the tank.

  In the meantime, Chandra has poured the third test tube on the third compartment. When closing the hatch, she realizes that both attackers have climbed to the top of the tank by both sides.

  She tries to take out her gun, but a sudden turn of the truck makes her lose her step, almost falling. She drops her gun when grabbing the hatch wheel.

  Mora watches Chandra trapped between both Attackers and takes a sniper rifle.

  “We need to get near the truck!” Yells Mora, “we must help her!”

  Mora hears the chopper pilot on the radio.

  “We are under attack!”

  A flock of ducks as big as light aircrafts passes by, almost colliding with the chopper.

  The pilot must make a sharp maneuver to avoid them. The helicopter rotates on itself. Mora almost falls from the helicopter, but a SWAT team member grabs him on time.

  “¡Coño su madre!” Shouts Mora, “I’m gonna shoot the first motherfucker I’ll see feeding ducks!”

  The attacker on the back of the truck takes out his gun and aims at Chandra, but the one on the front makes gestures, yelling at him.

  “You gonna shoot me, you, moron! Grab her, stupid!”