Animalypse Page 12
Chandra stands up in the middle of the tanker, opening her arms like a gymnast on the balance beam.
The ducks’ flock passed by and the chopper stabilizes, continuing the truck pursuit.
When the helicopter approaches the highway, Mora leans out the door looking for the truck.
Mora gets desperate watching Chandra between the attackers on top of the truck.
She adopts the position of a gymnast on the balance beam.
Mora freaks out.
“¡Mi madre! She’s gonna do it!”
“What?” Asks one of the SWAT team members.
“She was a gymnastics champion at high school!” Explains Mora.
The rest of the SWAT team watch in awe.
Both attackers move carefully toward Chandra in the middle to grab her.
Suddenly, Chandra does a somersault in the air, kicking one attacker in the jaw and throwing him off the truck. With the same movement, she lands on the tank and sweeps with one leg the other attacker’s leg, making him fall from the truck, as well.
Both fallen attackers are run over by the Molotov’s SUV, but it doesn’t stop.
Mora and the SWAT team applaud and cheer joyfully when Chandra throws both Attackers from the truck.
Chapter 41. Molotov Gets Fed Up
Molotov gets fed up.
He steps out of the SUV furiously jumping on the vehicle’s hood.
Chandra hurries to open the last hatch, while Molotov jumps from the SUV hood to the ladder on the back of the tanker truck.
When reaching the top of the truck, Molotov draws his gun and shoots at Chandra.
Chandra has almost no time to jump into the separation between the truck’s cabin and the tank.
Molotov walks towards Chandra with the gun in his hand.
Mora and the SWAT team get worried watching Molotov on the tanker approaching Chandra. Mora takes a sniper rifle from an agent and aims it at Molotov.
“Gotcha, motherfucker!”
Suddenly, a giant tree grows ahead of the truck, breaking up the causeway, which falls as a ramp over the street below.
The preceding SUV flies over the causeway and hits the tree trunk, exploding.
The tanker truck and Molotov’s SUV go down the ramp to the street below.
When the truck drops sharply by the falling road ramp, Chandra and Molotov must hold firmly to avoid falling.
Molotov almost falls, losing his gun and holding barely from a wheel of a hatch.
Ahead of the truck, another tree has just opened a huge crack in the street below the causeway.
Powerful jets of water come out the deep crack. Huge rats as big as pigs jump out of it running in all directions.
The truck’s driver must make sharp turns avoiding the tree, the deep crack, and the rats.
Through the windshield, Molotov’s SUV driver sees the tree rising, the wide crack, the jet of water and the rats, getting scared and turning the wheel. It jumps the crack, flying through the water jet and colliding against the tree trunk with a blast.
Chandra peeks at Molotov who’s having a hard time clinging from the middle of the tank.
Mora and the SWAT team members can barely see the tanker truck speeding under the causeway. The growing trees and the clouds of smoke and dust make it harder to see.
The tanker truck finds a ramp to get again to the highway.
Although very strong, Molotov is too tall and heavy to climb easily again to the top of the tank.
Chandra takes advantage of Molotov difficulties jumping back on top of the tank. She opens the last hatch breaking the last glass test tube against the rim of the hatch. But she doesn’t have time to escape.
Meanwhile, Molotov has managed to climb to the tank jumping over Chandra. She tries to fight back, but Molotov is too strong, big and heavy, climbing on top of her.
Mora clings to the chopper door watching Chandra attacked by Molotov. A couple of SWAT team members grabs him by the vest to prevent him from falling from the helicopter.
Mora yells desperate to the pilot by the radio.
“¡Dale, chico, dale! C’mon! Hurry up!”
Molotov gets on top of Chandra trying to strangle her.
Suddenly, a tree grows hastily in front of the truck, breaking the pavement and extending its branches full of large leaves.
The truck makes a quick turn to avoid the collision with the tree trunk, but the branches sweep off Molotov and Chandra from the top of the tank.
Both fall off the truck rolling down the branches and the broad leaves all the way the pavement. The tanker speeds away leaving them back.
On the ground, Chandra is dazed seeing Molotov crawling toward her. She tries to get up, but she can’t, trying to escape crawling.
Molotov reaches Chandra grabbing her foot and pulling her back.
Chandra tries to kick Molotov, but he is stronger. Both wrestle. Molotov gets on top of her crushing her against the ground.
Molotov takes off her helmet recognizing her.
“I knew it was you, little bitch! I’m gonna cut your head off!”
He grabs her by the neck with one hand. She tries to fight back, but she can’t breathe. Molotov takes out a huge combat knife and lifts it over his head.
Suddenly, a giant greyhound comes running and bites Molotov’s raised hand dragging him away.
Molotov yells and tries to escape. Another greyhound bites his other arm, and two others take him by each leg. The rest of the greyhound pack arrives fighting between them to get a piece of Molotov, who scream in pain, rage, and horror.
A couple of greyhounds run toward Chandra, who is on the floor choked and dazed. When the dog was up to bite her, a machine gun blast stops it, making it retreat.
Another burst of machine gun makes the dogs flee, taking away Molotov’s remains.
Chandra hears a helicopter hovering over her. A man in SWAT fatigues descends by a rope toward her. She barely recognizes Mora under the helmet when he gets to her.
“Are you okay?”
Chandra recognizes him.
“You’ve come for me!”
Chandra is bloody and almost unconscious. Mora takes her in his arms, beckoning at the helicopter.
“¡Dale pa’rriba, chico! Go, go, go!”
The helicopter rises them before the dogs come back. The huge animals jump in vain trying to reach them while they are taken up by the chopper.
While hanging in the air from the rope, Chandra awakes and looks at Mora, complaining.
“Don’t you dare to touch me!”
“¡No jodas, chica! I’m saving your ass, dammit!”
Chandra smiles almost fainting.
“Don’t take advantage of my situation!”
Mora smiles at her.
¡Déjate de bonche, chica! We still must stop that tanker!”
“No, no, no! She says, “let it go!”
Mora doubts.
“Are you sure?”
“Trust me!” Chandra almost faint, “let them believe that their plans are going smoothly! Ask my mother, she can explain everything to you!”
Mora nods.
Chandra faints in Mora’s arms, who has difficulties to hold on to the rope. He beckons to the helicopter with urgency.
Finally, they are hoisted. The SWAT team members help them enter the aircraft.
The chopper flies away over Philadelphia’s skies.
The city looks like a battlefield after the most violent confrontation.
Chapter 42. Mima, Mami, and Papi
Chandra opens her eyes. She hears sounds and sees images as being underwater.
She awakes completely and realizes that she is in a hospital room. The TV is on with the news.
Her mother is sitting beside her. She watches the news on the TV without noticing that Chandra has awakened.
Chandra has her head and both arms bandaged, a brace in her neck, her nose broken and a black eye.
The hospital room is full of flowe
r bouquets, balloons, greeting cards, boxes of chocolates and some other gifts.
She looks at her mother and was up to open her mouth when the news in the TV catch her attention.
A middle age female TV anchor with experienced look talks from a television studio. In the line at the bottom of the screen says: "Madelaine Hartmann, DEF Global News.
“The later developments have made the government and scientists think that the so-called Animalypse is coming to an end.”
The image shows a montage of pictures of the catastrophe.
In Philadelphia, among the ruins of demolished buildings, broken streets and wrecked vehicles, there are lots of different monstrous animals’ corpses as bulls, dogs, goats, cats, etc. full of swellings and ulcers. Giant trees and vines have fallen to the ground rotting under the sun.
The TV anchor continues talking.
“Monstrous animals and plants that scare and threaten the whole population, destroying the city, seem to suddenly die of fulminant cancer.”
Rescuers with dogs and workers with hard hats and safety vests seek for victims among the ruins and the debris.
The TV anchor narrates off screen.
“Philadelphia and the rest of Pennsylvania have entered in the recuperation phase. The president has declared the state of national emergency.”
The images show FBI agents and vehicles in front of Saint Mount facilities in Missouri.
“The FBI has announced that the responsible for catastrophe was Saint Mount’s corporation, which commercializes extensively a product called Mutanex without the proper testing and government’s approval.”
The screen shows images from different parts of the world. There are vast plantations of corn, wheat, rice, sugar cane, and others, devastated by diseases; pastures with large herds of giant cattle and sheep dead by diseases; large broiler houses filled with giant dead chicken, and large indoor stables filled with giant dead pigs.
“Agricultural companies and governments all over the world,” says the TV anchor, “have accused Saint Mount of the sudden cancer disease and death of all animals and plants treated with Mutanex.”
There is a view of the Washington Senate Floor.
“In Washington,” explains the TV anchor, “the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Nutrition has created a commission to investigate the violations of the main statutes of the United States antitrust law by Saint Mount corporation.”
The screen shows a footage of Senator Arthur Kotchner outside the Capitol Hill descending the stairs. He is followed by a crowd of journalists, TV Cameras and angry voters with placards saying: “Kotchner to Jail!” and “Kotchner, corrupt SOB!”. The Capitol Security and police officers try to stop the mob from attacking Kotchner.
“Previously, the Senate committee for agriculture and nutrition chairman, Senator Arthur Kotchner had just resigned his seat in the Senate on accusations of bribery in connection with particular Saint Mount’s donations.”
Dr. Wilkison shuts down the TV.
“Hi, mom,” says Chandra, “it seems that everything is going well.”
Dr. Wilkison jumps from her seat hugging Chandra.
“Oh, darling, you’re awake at last!”
“How long I’ve been unconscious?”
“Three days, love.”
“Three days?” Chandra is surprised and looks at the gifts around the room, “what’s all this?”
Dr. Wilkison cares her daughter’s hair.
“Your colleagues have brought you all these. You are their hero!”
Mora enters the room like a whirlwind, carrying more flowers, balloons, gifts and cards.
“Has she awakened already, mima?” He whispers to the Professor.
“Yes, Manny, look at her,” says Dr. Wilkison.
Chandra gets puzzled
“Mima, Manny? What’s going on?”
Dr. Wilkison turns to her.
“Manny has been here all the time, day and night, concerned about you.”
Mora approaches Chandra’s bed.
“How do you feel, mami?”
“And, mami also?” Protests Chandra.
“Don’t you remember that you call me papi at the chopper?” He says.
Chandra rolls her eyes.
“And papi, too! I’ve got brain concussion!”
Mora raises his arms to the ceiling.
“How ungrateful you are!”
Chandra extends her arms at him. He hugs her, and she kisses him. Dr. Wilkinson smiles, touched.
“I was watching the news of what happened with Saint Mount and senator, former senator, Kotchner,” says Chandra.
“As I’d predicted,” says Dr. Wilkison, “most animals treated with Mutanex are dying from cancer worldwide.”
“I saw that too,” says Chandra.
Mora whispers at her.
“Mima told me how you both made the eco-terrorists to end Saint Mount’s world monopoly.”
Chandra wanders.
“What the Bureau said about that.”
Mora continues whispering.
“They agree that it was the best way to prevent the terrorist to extend the Animalypse worldwide.”
Chandra wants to know everything.
“What happened with the conspirators?”
“Da Fonseca was arrested before he left the country,” responds Mora.
“Manny told me that his Ecoloverse corporation and his Green World Order Foundation were under investigation,” adds Dr. Wilkison.
“He used his labs and organization,” continues Mora, “for drug trafficking creating a mercenary army for illegal purposes and to exterminate the native population of the Amazon River.”
“And that’s not the only thing,” says Dr. Wilkison
Mora and Dr. Wilkison shut up, and Chandra looks at them with expectation.
“They are waiting for you until you recover to decorate you and give you a promotion,” announces Dr. Wilkison.
“By the way,” explains Mora, “Dekker has replaced Wright, who has been sent to Alaska.”
Chandra opens her mouth in awe.
“And the best part is that Mima has been nominated for the Nobel Prize!” Cheers Mora.
They embrace together with joy and laughter.
Chandra still wants to know more.
“What about Forseter?”
“He managed to escape,” explains Mora with a shrug, “he took advantage of the chaos to fly to Miami where he took a flight to Brazil. Then, he made a transfer to Beijing. We circulate him through Interpol, but he had just taken a flight to Pyongyang.”
“North Korea, huh?” Realizes Chandra, “I knew it! He had everything figured out from the beginning. He used Molotov and Da Fonseca for his own plans!”
Chapter 43. The Ka-Do Island
The North Korean Ka-Do Island is located on the Korean Bay, at 39°33'23" North and 124°39'40" East.
There are some ultra-secret North Korean military facilities on the Island. Near them, there are luxurious buildings used as guesthouses, meeting saloons and other services exclusively for high-rank government officials and very special foreign guests.
By the full glass windows of one these buildings, one of the many heavy armed security guards of the compound watches a western man giving a lecture to a group of government officials and foreign guests.
The guard knows that he can’t mention this to anyone or he would be summarily executed for treason along with all is family and their whole village. So, he turns to the beautiful waterfront landscape of the Island, trying to forget what he has just seen.
The western lecturer is no other than Dr. Heinrich Forster, who is explaining something at the end of a long conference table.
Forseter talks lively while he points at a meteorological map.
“The first trials in the United States were quite successful.”
The attendees at the meeting, very interested in what Forseter is saying.
“With aircrafts at high altitude, we could spray our nanobots carrying Mutanex/Hypergenex on the clouds of great atmospheric currents and phenomena, such as hurricanes, cold fronts, monsoons, jet streams, etc.”
Among the attendees, there are groups of North Korean, Iranians, Russians, Chinese and Cubans military, along with militants from ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram and other terrorist groups.
Dr. Forster looks excited.
“This way, we could easily create the Global Animalypse, gentlemen!”
The listeners applaud Forseter with excitement. He stood with a triumphant smile of pride
We leave the room, going out its glass windows rising above the buildings complex, the island, the clouds, the Korean peninsula, to encompass the whole planet Earth.
It doesn’t look like an enormous mass of earth and water, but a frail blue glass ball, which could break at any moment.
The End
About The Author
Octavio Guerra Royo was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1948, where he studied Electronics, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, Screenwriting and TV Direction, working as an aviation technician, journalist, translator, proofreader, editor, and screenwriter until he was banned from working in the media. He also worked as a Linguistics and Philosophy professor until he was also forbidden from giving classes for life.
He went a couple of times to prison not for being a criminal or a political activist but for simply trying to be a decent man.
He has been married to the love of his life since 1982, having two beautiful and lovely daughters. He has two older children, three grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter.
He left Cuba in 2005, happily settling in Miami, Florida, with his family.
He currently works as freelance bilingual writer and translator after earning his life as a garbage man, construction worker, and salesman.
For thirty years, he struggled with a monumental novel that no one could ever be able to read. So, he decided to take some stories out from it to create a theological Sci-Fi trilogy, if such genre exists, packed with fantasy, scares, action and thrills, mixed with history, mythology, and philosophy.
Talking about Philosophy, he has lengthily worked in some non-fiction projects about Philosophy of Language and Axiology.